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Energy Savings

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  rev. 2011-10-27        

Defining Energy Savings

Use this section to define the effect an opportunity will have on facility utility meters.  Meter Components from all available meters in the facility appear in the selection list.


                                    Opportunities can only impact meters that are included in the facility footprint, so the list of available meters will only show those ones.  The Included In Footprint? property is defined within the meter setup.


To view or define the utility impacts for a particular meter component, select it from the list.


                                    You can only change the energy impact on Opportunities, not on Approved Opportunities or Measures, because this would be changing the basis on which an investment decision has already been made.  If the Approved box has been checked, only a user with the right privileges can unapprove it to change energy impact details.


Negative utility impacts represent expected reductions in utility consumption. When reports are produced, the program automatically calculates the associated avoided costs.


                                                               A single opportunity can impact any number of meter readings in a facility.


Sometimes an opportunity will actually increase usage at a meter.  For example, conversion of an electric boiler would result in electrical savings but added fuel consumption. The increased usage must be shown as a positive impact on the meter component.  In this example, the ManagingEnergy reporting module will calculate and include the natural gas increases.

Annual Energy Impact

The impact on each affected meter component is broken down into multiple model terms. A model is generated based on the extent to which the energy is expected to be saved for each variable.

Base – The part of the consumption or demand not related to outdoor temperature patterns.
Cooling Sensitive – Consumption or demand related to higher temperatures during warmer months.  This would most commonly be associated with cooling, dehumidification, and refrigeration.
Heating Sensitive - Consumption or demand related to lower temperatures during colder months.  This would most commonly be associated with space heating and ventilation heating.

A balance temperature is specified for both heating and cooling terms.

Monthly Energy Impact Details

 Data in Monthly Energy Impact Details is used in Utility Analysis reports to calculate target utility usage.  These numbers can also be entered manually, if desired.


Related Topics

Defining a Utility Meter


Retrofit Recommendations

Existing System

Energy Savings

Scenario Options



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