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Opportunities Tab

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  rev. 2011-10-17        

The Opportunities tab is where the energy management team identifies and evaluates possible actions to reduce energy use.  Opportunities are defined activities with a quantified expectation of achieving savings.  Within ManagingEnergy, the implementation costs and expected savings are clearly defined to create an investment picture.  Once implemented, the results are tracked to confirm that the savings targets are being met, or to trigger corrective action when needed.


                                    Savings calculations can be complex, involving more than one utility or meter.  Opportunities can also involve ongoing maintenance and operating costs, which cannot be ignored during the evaluation.  ManagingEnergy is designed to record and include the effects of all of these inputs.  On reports and dashboards, ManagingEnergy translates technical detail into financial flows, to communicate clearly with business managers.


The table is a short list of possible opportunities, each with a possible definition of construction cost and expected savings.

Typical Opportunity

Implemented Cost

Savings Expectation

Replace atmospheric boilers with modular condensing boiler plant


118,750 m3 of natural gas each heating season, with monthly savings characterized by weather-based heating demand.

Facility-wide lighting technology upgrade


22,200 kWh electricity saved per month, evenly distributed.  Add back 2,650 m3 of natural gas during winter months to account for heating lost.

Install motion sensors on office and boardroom lights


136,000 kWh electricity saved per year, evenly distributed.

Install individual hand switches on office and boardroom lights, with a staff awareness and feedback program


93,000 kWh electricity saved per year, evenly distributed.

Repair economizer damper motors on four rooftop HVAC units


18,000 m3 of natural gas each heating season, with monthly savings characterized by weather-based heating demand.

Supplement electric domestic hot water heating with solar thermal preheat


273,500 kWh electricity saved per year, characterized by seasonal variation of solar energy resource.

Each Opportunity is a combination of construction cost estimating and energy analysis,with detailed input from one or more engineering disciplines.  Opportunities are normally defined by specialist energy auditors.


Buttons/Feature Specific To The Opportunities Tab

Context sensitive buttons when the Portfolio Tree is selected.

Portfolio Tree with a single Portfolio selected:

Portfolio Tree with a single Scenerio selected:

Investment Scenarios

Investment Scenarios


Context sensitive buttons when the Facility Tree is selected.

Facility Tree with a single Facility selected:

Facility Tree with a single Opportunity selected

Add Opportunity

Edit Opportunity

Apply Lighting Retrofits

Remove Opportunity

Roll Up Lighting Opportunity



Related Topics


Lighting Retrofits

Facility Selection List



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