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Facility Setup

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  rev. 2011-06-13        

A facility in ManagingEnergy usually represents a single building with a variety of attributes. It can contain mechanical and electrical assets.  It is important to make sure facility information is complete and accurate so that future analysis will be based on solid background data. The Edit Facility screen, and the underlying tabs, is where most information about a facility is entered.

Navigate to an existing facility in the Facility Tree and click Edit Facility.  If you are creating a new facility, first go to the Portfolio Node in the Portfolio Tree and click Add New Facility.

New Facility Creation

When adding a new facility you must supply a Name and a Code.  The two elements together should form a unique identifier for that building.  In the Facility Tree the Code appears first followed by the Name with a dash in between.  the code can be up to 10 alphanumeric characters in length.

For example, the Code can refer to a number of sort form text string such as 7023.  The name usually refers to a friendly title, such as the buildings purpose, e.g., "Springfield Recreational Centre", or an address.  In the preceding example the identifier in the Facility Tree would appear as "7023 - Springfield Recreational Centre".

With the ability to set a Portfolio, Facility Group, Code and Name things are quite flexible as to how you can organize many buildings in a large portfolio.

For more details on the tabs available in the New Facility Setup screen, please see the following topics:

General Facility Information

Facility Codes

Assigning Facility Groups

Assigning Alternate Identifiers

HVAC Zones

Central Plant Overview

Controls Overview

Lighting Overview



Related Topics


Facility Groups

Alternate Identifiers



Additional Key Words:  New Building, Add Building, Add New Building

S1_Fac_Setup         ©2014 Managing Energy Inc.