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Buildings & Meters Tab

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  rev. 2011-06-13        

After reviewing the portfolio setup, the first step is to put facilities and utility meters into the database.


                                                              Startup Provisioning.  If you can provide the information in a convenient electronic form, Managing Energy Inc. can populate the initial set of buildings and meters for you, as well as two years of  past invoice data, as part of your account setup.  The normal process is for new subscribers to populate a standard spreadsheet that we provide.  Ask your account representative for more information.

Normally, a Facility will be defined as a single building. It could also be set up to consist of a small group of buildings (although this is likely clearer as a Facility Group), a portion of a large building, or a group of related utility meters.  In ManagingEnergy, a utility meter can be either a physical meter (an actual piece of metering hardware producing regular readings) or a virtual meter (a conceptual meter for which the readings are calculated, often for recovering costs from tenants).  Depending on your permissions, this functionality is available within the following Sections/Nodes of the Navigation Tree.  The Buttons listed are specific to that tab.  Buttons which appear in the Work Area across all Module Tabs are not listed.


Buttons/Feature Specific To The Buildings & Meters Tab

Context sensitive buttons in the Navigation Tree.


Portfolio Tree with a single Portfolio selected:

Portfolio Tree with a single Facility Group selected:

Add New Facility

Auto Baseline Model

Edit Portfolio

Remove Portfolio

Utility Providers

Facility Groups





Alternate Identifier Types


Facility Tree with a single facility selected:

Facility Tree with a single meter selected

Edit Facility

Edit Meter

Remove Facility

Remove Meter

Add Utility Meter

Move Meter

Add Virtual Meter

Edit Virtual Meter


Remove Virtual Meter

Facility Metrics

Facility Variables



Related Topics

Facility Setup

Defining a Meter


S1_BuildingsandMeters         ©2014 Managing Energy Inc.