After reviewing the portfolio setup, the first step is to put facilities and utility meters into the database.
Normally, a Facility will be defined as a single building. It could also be set up to consist of a small group of buildings (although this is likely clearer as a Facility Group), a portion of a large building, or a group of related utility meters. In ManagingEnergy, a utility meter can be either a physical meter (an actual piece of metering hardware producing regular readings) or a virtual meter (a conceptual meter for which the readings are calculated, often for recovering costs from tenants). Depending on your permissions, this functionality is available within the following Sections/Nodes of the Navigation Tree. The Buttons listed are specific to that tab. Buttons which appear in the Work Area across all Module Tabs are not listed.
Buttons/Feature Specific To The Buildings & Meters Tab
Context sensitive buttons in the Navigation Tree.
Portfolio Tree with a single Portfolio selected: |
Portfolio Tree with a single Facility Group selected: |
Add New Facility |
Auto Baseline Model |
Edit Portfolio |
Remove Portfolio |
Utility Providers |
Facility Groups |
Roles |
Users |
Contacts |
Metrics |
Alternate Identifier Types |
Facility Tree with a single facility selected: |
Facility Tree with a single meter selected |
Edit Facility |
Edit Meter |
Remove Facility |
Remove Meter |
Add Utility Meter |
Move Meter |
Add Virtual Meter |
Edit Virtual Meter |
Remove Virtual Meter |
Facility Metrics |
Facility Variables |
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