How Changing Module Tabs Affects the Work Tabs
Usually changing Module Tabs does not affect the Work Tabs displayed. However, if the currently selected Navigation Tree Node is not supported by the newly selected Module Tab, the Navigation Tree will reset to the Database Context. For example this will happen if you have a Meter selected under a Facility, and then enter the Conservation & Renewal Module. This will also reset the selection to the first facility in the Facility Tree view.
Database Context
The Database supports the following Tabs:
• | General |
• | Performance |
• | Dashboards |
• | Reports |
Portfolio Context
Setting your context to the Portfolio Level in the Navigation Tree gives access to the following Work Tabs on each Module Tab:
• | General |
• | Performance |
• | Dashboards |
• | Documents |
• | Reports |
Facility Group Context
Setting your context to the Facility Group level in the Navigation Tree gives access to the same Work Tabs as above plus the following Tab:
• | Map |