Quite often you will want to work with a shorter list of facilities. This is most easily done by switching to the Portfolio Tree view, clicking on a group node in the tree, then switching back to the Facility Tree view. The facility list will then contain only the facilities from the selected group.
The Facility Filter
There is another quick way to filter the list, using the Facility Filter located just above the navigation tree. Simply start typing in the box. As you type, the Facility Filter looks through the following fields to find matching text: facility name, code, street address, phone number, alternate identifiers, and account numbers. The more you type, the shorter the list becomes, until it narrows down to one facility. Stop typing when you get the facility or list you want.
The Advanced Search
If you are looking to select facilities based on other characteristics, such as floor area or year of construction, use the Advanced Search feature located just below the Facility Filter.