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Using Tariffs

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  rev. 2011-05-18        

The ManagingEnergy tariff definition is very flexible, allowing for the wide variety of tariffs available in both traditional and restructured energy retail markets.

In concept, any utility account is associated with a Utility Provider and a Tariff.  A Tariff consists of one or more line item Tariff Components, which are the readings and calculations on each invoice.  After setting the utility provider details, the user defines one or more Tariffs (on the second tab of the add/edit Utility Provider dialogue box) for each provider.  He then define the components for each Tariff.

Local and Global Tariffs

When you create a new Tariff, it is defined locally at the Portfolio level.  Users within your subscription can see it, but other subscribers cannot.  ManagingEnergy also provides a set of pre-defined Global Utility Providers and Tariffs.  A Utility Account can be set up using either a local or global tariff.  Managing Energy Inc. reserves the right to update Global Tariffs at any time, which will affect any associated utility accounts.  We strongly recommend that users think of Global Tariffs as templates from which to copy Local Tariffs, and that they define meters with Local Tariffs only.



                                                            Use Global Tariffs

Before defining your own tariffs, check to see if any of the existing Global Tariffs are close to what you need.  It is easier to copy and modify an existing tariff than to create a new one from scratch.


Choosing Between Detailed and Simplified Tariff Definitions

A complete, detailed Tariff definition is necessary if you want to validate invoices to the penny.  ManagingEnergy needs to know exactly how the Utility Provider is performing the calculations.

However, this degree of precision comes with a price, especially if invoices are being entered manually.  Usually consumption provides most of the value for engineering analysis, yet other readings like kW, kVa, and Power Factor are needed for a precise invoice total calculation.   ManagingEnergy makes it feasible to use simpler, approximate Tariffs which record consumption only.  This option has the following advantages:

Easier to understand for most users.
Less data to enter, so manual invoice entry is much faster and less error-prone.
Tariffs are easier to modify when rates change.

Invoice totals can still be validated against the simplified Tariff, but to a wider tolerance (say +/- 10%).

Tariff simplification does result in a loss of data resolution.  When shopping among utility providers, you may find that you have discarded some of the information useful in comparing competing rate tariffs.

Basic Tariff Information

Click on the Utility Provider button in the Tasks Area (Portfolio Context). Click on the provider, then select the tab <Provider Name> Utility Tariffs.   Existing Tariffs for the provider are available in a pull-down, and there are buttons for New Tariff and to Copy Tariff from one of the existing Tariffs.  Fill in the Tariff name and description, then proceed to create the Tariff Components.


Related Topics

Defining Utility Providers

Creating Tariff Components


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