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Importing Interval Data Spreadsheets

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  rev. 2011-07-28        

Interval meter readings can be imported in much the same way as invoices.  These spreadsheets are much simpler in structure, but contain many more records.  At present, reading intervals are assumed to be 1 hour.  ManagingEnergy will accept *.xls files which follow these rules:

1.The top row contains the headers for at least three columns containing either of these two sets of names

Set 1



Gross Energy kWh

Set 2




2.No additional rows at the bottom (e.g. summaries, text, notes)


                                              As of this writing the import feature is  inflexible with respect to spreadsheet format. Column names are case-sensitive. Additional unused columns are permitted, but each column must have a unique header name.  If a column name is repeated or if a column name is not exactly as indicated above, an error will occur and the data will not be imported.


Select the meter node in the navigation tree.  If you've picked an interval meter, the Interval Readings Import button will appear.

Note that any overlap in the dates in existing entries and entries that are currently being imported will result in the existing data being overwritten.  Make sure that dates are unique and current, and that there is no data in the same range in order to avoid accidental changes to data.


                                                                Be Patient When Importing !

The import process proceeds as a series of steps.  Always wait for feedback before moving to the next step.

Red bars at upper left must be stopped.
Green progress indicator at bottom must be complete.
On the file upload step, the file selection bar must have turned green.

If you click around or try to move on before a step is complete, you can cause and error and force yourself to start over.


S1_Importing_Interval_Data_Spread         ©2014 Managing Energy Inc.