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Help Desk

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  rev. 2011-02-14        

Managing Energy Inc. (MEI) provides an online Help Desk for the ManagingEnergy service.  If you have a question or problem that you are unable to resolve by reading this manual or online help, you can go to the Help Desk for assistance.

The Help Desk is accessible from the link at the top of the ManagingEnergy user interface, or directly at

User Forums

After this user manual, the next place to search is the User Forums within the Help Desk.  Someone else may have had the same question answered already, or the question may be listed under Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's).


                                                                The Help Desk is the most direct way that our day-to-day users can communicate with us for solving problems, but also for making comments and suggestions.  We take your feedback very seriously, and use it to prioritize our ongoing development efforts.


Submit a Request

If you don't find what you are looking for there, click on Submit a Request.  Include a clear description of the problem, including any error messages and a list of steps you took before you had the problem.  You can also attach any screen shots that you think might be useful.

This process creates a Help Ticket which our Help Team uses to track and respond to issues.  MEI will  address the issue and respond within the time frame indicated in your Service Level Agreement.  Our support professionals will normally use the ticket system to communicate with you, and you will receive ticket updates by email.  From time to time they may phone for clarification.


                                                              If you are subscribing to ManagingEnergy through a business partner, your support requests will go to their support group.  MEI shares the same help desk system with your service provider, so we will be helping them in the background.

Building Systems - Resources and References

MEI does not provide technical support dealing with building systems and equipment, although we would be happy to suggest a service provider in your area.  We are considering offering per-hour engineering consultation through our help desk, with registered professional engineers. Create a ticket to let us know if you would find that service useful !

In the meantime, there are many organizations and resources available to help building owners sort through their energy challenges.  Some of the better ones are listed below.

Energy Efficiency Manual, by Donald R. Wulfinghoff (1999, Energy Institute Press) - a thorough guide to the philosophy and practice of energy conservation in buildings

Association of Energy Engineers - resources and training, including Certified Energy Manager (CEM) professional certification

Canadian Institute for Energy Training - single workshops and certification training

The Energy Institute (UK) - training and technical publications


Intro_HelpDesk         ©2014 Managing Energy Inc.