Help Tickets are written requests for assistance, including a description of the steps used to resolve the issue. All communication between a system user and ManagingEnergy support agents, pertaining to a single issue, is recorded in the ticket.
Tickets consist of the following elements:
• | A unique reference number. |
• | Status (New, Open, Pending, Solved) - The user can change this. |
• | Type (Question, Incident, Problem, Task) - The user can change this. |
• | Priority (Normal, High) - The user can change this. High priority must be reserved for the small number of issues that prevent acceptable system use. |
• | Problem - Choose the applicable area of the application. This will help us pick the best support agent. |
• | Comments - A series of text entries, stamped with date, time, and the author's identity. This is where detailed information is exchanged. |
• | Attachments - Files up to 10Mb in size can be attached to any Comment. |
Ticket Status is used to track progress in resolving the issue. You can change the Status on any ticket that you have initiated. When you first create a ticket, the status will be New. A help desk agent will change the status to Open when he or she takes responsibility for the ticket and sends you the first response. Once the agent feels that the ticket is resolved, the agent changes the status to Pending, meaning that we are waiting for confirmation from you that the problem really is solved.
If you don't feel the issue is truly resolved, add another note explaining the remaining concerns and change the status back to Open.
For a complex issue there may be some back and forth with the help desk. One you are satisfied with the results, the last stage is to Close the pending ticket. You can close it yourself, or it will be closed automatically if the ticket status has been Pending for five business days.