With the exception of a few special feature displays, the ManagingEnergy screen has a standard appearance with four Areas.
The Module Tabs are arranged horizontally across the top of the screen. The two tabs corresponding to the Energy Accounting module, Buildings & Meters and Accounts & Invoices, are on the left. The Physical Details tab is added for Building Operations subscribers, and the Opportunities and Advanced Analysis tabs are added with a Conservation and Renewal subscription.
When you choose a Module Tab, you are choosing the general area of functionality.
You only get access to the Module Tabs that you are currently subscribing to. If you click on a Module Tab and nothing happens confirm with your ManagingEnergy Administrator that your organization is paying for the Module you are trying to access. |
On the left side of the screen is a Navigation Tree, consisting of a vertical list of object Nodes. The user selects a data context to work with by clicking on a Node. Nodes with plus icons beside them can be expanded to show the lower level Nodes underneath.
There are two ways to view the Navigation Tree, and you can switch between them at any time.
Portfolio Tree
The Portfolio Tree shows the Portfolio Nodes (and Database Nodes
, if it exists for the user) with Portfolio Groups
listed below. A Database can contain many Portfolios which can contain many Portfolio Groups which in turn contain Facilities. Using this hierarchy, along with Filters, a user can manage something one building or thousands of buildings and quickly navigate to the facility needed. The Work Area will show a breakdown of Accounts, Meters, and Financial Information for the selected view.
To remove a facility filter, clear the text in the filter box and click on the filter icon. |
Facility Tree
The Facility Tree lists the individual Facilities which in turn list Elements that are specific to that building. Which Elements you see or work with depends on which Module Tab you are accessing. Module 1, Energy Accounting lists meters, whether real or virtual, and various energy types as shown below.
See Limiting the Facility List for details on how to quickly find a specific Facility
The Filter available on both the Portfolio and Facility tabs provides a free-form mechanism for narrowing down a list of buildings very quickly. Simply begin typing in the box. See Limiting the Facility List for details on the Filter.
Advanced Search
The Advanced Search feature allows you to search by Floor Area of the Facility or the Construction Year that the building was finished being built.
The most used tree node icons are shown in these tables:
All Modules - Portfolio Tree Icons |
Database Node (or Database) |
Facility Group Node (or Facility Group) |
Portfolio Node (or Portfolio) |
Facility Node (or Facility) |
The Meter Types listed below are attached to a Utility Type to create the final Utility Meters as listed to the right.
Note: that not all Utility Meter combinations are shown.
Module 1 Navigation Tree Icons - Energy Accounting |
Module 1 - Buildings & Meters Tab Icons |
Meter Included (Calculated) in Facility Footprint |
Utility Meter - Water |
Meter Excluded from Facility Footprint |
Utility Meter - Electricity |
Virtual Meter, Included in Facility Footprint |
Utility Meter - Oil |
Virtual Meter, Excluded from Facility Footprint |
Utility Meter - Steam |
Utility Meter - Hot Water |
Utility Meter Excluded - Chilled Water |
Utility Meter - Natural Gas |
Module 1 - Accounts & Invoices Tab Icons |
Account |
Utility Account - Electricity |
In the Accounts & Invoices Tab, the Account Icon (above left) is attached to a Utility Type to create a Utility Account icon as shown (above right). Only one sample icon is shown out of the many that are possible.
On the right side of the screen, below the Module Tabs Area, is the Work Area. Information related to the selected Module Tab and Navigation Tree Node that you have selected appears here. The Work Area itself has Work Tabs across the top which you select to access Reports, Dashboards, Documents, and other details on the selected Tree Node.
Just below the Work Area is the Tasks Area, where Task Buttons for various functions and features are available. The available Task Buttons will depend on the selected Module Tab and Tree Node, as well as the Role and Permissions of the user.
Top Area
Across the top of ManagingEnergy are a number of other UI sections that are detailed below.
Top Left of Screen
In the top left you can see the Busy Indicator and the location Breadcrumb Trail.
The Busy Indicator shows a red pulsating light when ManagingEnergy is busy working on something. You should wait until this area turns straight white before clicking anywhere else in ManagingEnergy. Navigating away from an operation in progress can abort that operation, possibly losing your most recent data changes.
The Breadcrumb Trail shows where in the Database/Portfolio/Facility Hierarchy you are currently working.
Top Right of Screen
Depending on your security privileges there will be up to five icons in the top right area of the screen, although most users will see only the last two icons. Some icons are only available to System Administrators. Starting from the left the icons give access to the following features. If you see fewer than five icons, match the tool tip when you hover over the icon to the names below:
Active User Sessions: Clicking here presents you with a list of users currently logged in to the system.
Debug Log: Only accessible by Managing Energy Inc. (MEI) development staff.
Edit On-Screen User Messages: Currently for MEI system administrators only (a future feature will grant access to client subscription managers to control their own screen messages).
Quick Unit Conversions: A tool to convert between common energy units.
User Profile Settings: Change your account settings and preferences using the User Profile Settings dialogue.
Help Desk
To the right of the icons area is a link to the Help Desk where a user can submit a support ticket (request help), access the Support Forums, and search the documentation.
Pop-Up Dialogues
There are many parts of the application in which the working page becomes greyed out and a pop-up dialogue windows appears on top. This hides the information behind. If you need to move the pop-up dialogue window, select on the actual title text (not just the title bar) before dragging with the mouse.