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Downloading Files

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  rev. 2011-02-14        

ManagingEnergy provides the ability to download files from the system to your computer.  These may be Microsoft Excel files containing invoice data or report data, formatted reports in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, or any of the documents that someone has previously uploaded under the Documents tab.

You are using a web browser, so the normal security provisions come into play when you download files.  By default, you will get a warning in the Information Bar (in Microsoft Internet Explorer, a yellow bar at the top, just under the menus) the first time you try to download.  Click on the warning, then click Download File.


                                    In some browsers, the security warning will cause the browser to refresh the page  instead of downloading the file.  If this happens, click a second time on the download icon.  The warning will not appear the second time through.

Once you have successfully downloaded one file during a browser session, you should be able to download other files without seeing the security warning.  If you are a regular user, and never want to see the security warning, set your browser to trust the ManagingEnergy website.  This is easily done while you are using ManagingEnergy.  In Internet Explorer, go to Tools-Internet Options-Security, and click on Trusted Sites.  Other browsers are similar.


                                    If a File Download box appears, always press Save.  Do not press Run.

Downloading Documents

Any file under the Documents tab can be downloaded to your computer.  First, left click on item to open it.  Picture files will open to full size in a viewer window, and other files will open in the appropriate application on your computer.  For pictures, right click and pick Save Picture As...  For other files, use the File Save feature of the application.


                                              You must have a matching application installed on your computer (Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Adobe Acrobat Reader) to open non-picture files once they are downloaded.


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