Utility Baseline Models are a necessary part of any energy management program because they help the analysts determine how much energy is being used in a building, how it is being used, and how much can reasonably be saved. The Baseline process answers these questions.
• | What can we expect the building energy use to be if we continue on as we have been without changing anything? |
• | How does the present energy use compare with other similar buildings. |
• | What external factors affect energy use (weather, suites occupied, meals served, units produced,etc.)? |
• | How strong is the influence of each external factor? |
• | What energy conservation targets are reasonable for an energy management program? |
Baseline Modeling is the most analytically complex part of ManagingEnergy, so some degree of past experience is expected. This feature is best used by trained energy analysts.
A baseline clearly states where a building stands with respect to energy use. Energy analysts use it to judge savings targets and to calculate savings opportunities. Building owners use it for comparison among buildings and also to track the success of energy conservation efforts. Baselines are used in the calculations to assess payments to Energy Performance Contractors.
ManagingEnergy provides a statistical engine that will generate a utility usage model based on billing period, weather and /or user-defined independent variables. Baseline Models are created for Meter Readings. Each Meter Reading Component can have a baseline model, however not all will need one.
To work with an individual baseline model, drill down the Facility Tree through the Facility, Meter, and Meter Readings Component. Click Baseline Model.
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