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Facility Variable Values

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  rev. 2011-04-20        

Edit or add Facility Variable values through the Facility Variables form, under the Actual Values sub-tab.  As with meter readings, make sure the Start Date for one value is equal to the End Date of the previous value.  Enter the value of the item associated with the days in the period, then click Save Value to add the record to the list.

You can define the periods however you want.  Some variables (e.g. daily production) would require a daily value.  Other items, such as days of operation, may make more sense as a monthly value.  The frequency that you enter values is entirely dependent upon the nature of the Facility Variable.

Typical Year Values

In many places in the user interface, ManagingEnergy generates a Typical Usage Profile.  Monthly values for a typical year are necessary for this profile to include the effect of Facility Variables.  If values are not provided, the value of 0 (zero) will be filled into calculations.  The Typical Year Profile will appear to be lower than it should be, by the extent of the impact of the Facility Variable.  If users are not aware of this, it could lead to incorrect conclusions.


Related Topics

Facility Variables


S5_Facility_Variable_Values         ©2014 Managing Energy Inc.