Navigation:  Module 3 - Conservation and Renewal > Advanced Analysis Tab > Advanced Baseline Modeling > The Baseline Model Interface >

Advanced Modeling

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  rev. 2011-05-02        

Use the Edit Model button at the bottom of the screen to add and test independent variables to arrive at the Baseline Model.


                                  As you manipulate independent variables, you will see the Baseline Model equation (located to the right) changing as ManagingEnergy performs the underlying statistical calculations.


By checking the boxes beside HDD and/or CDD, you are choosing to include these variables in the model. HDD and CDD have a configurable balance point setting.  Use the Auto button beside the balance point to quickly get the balance point with the best statistical fit, to the nearest degree.

Beneath CDD you will see the User-Defined Facility Variables.  When you check the box beside one, it will be added to the baseline model formula.  ManagingEnergy supports an unlimited number of Facility Variables.


Related Topics

Facility Variables


S5_BaselineVariableSelector         ©2014 Managing Energy Inc.