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Invoice Key Entry

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  rev. 2011-07-28        

The most basic method of data entry will be through the Utility Invoices Details Pane, which is accessed by clicking the Utility Invoices button under the Accounts & Invoices tab with an account selected in the facility tree. This allows the manual entry of a single invoice at a time.

To edit an existing invoice, either click anywhere on a line in the table to the left or select a point on the cost trend graph below.  The invoice details will fill in on the right side of the page.  Any of the fields can be changed.

Entry of multiple invoices at one time can be managed through the Importing Utility Invoice Spreadsheet feature.


                                                                 On the Utility Invoice Details pane, essential fields are highlighted in yellow.  The remaining white fields are optional but can also be edited.

The Utility Invoice Details pane conforms to the requirements of the invoice being entered.  It shows only the data entry fields required for the particular account, which are specified by the Tariff associated with the account.  That means that the form for a complex tariff will be quite long, with many fields.  The form for a simple tariff will be short, with few data values for each invoice entry.  The fields requiring entry (dates and Meter Readings) are highlighted in yellow.  If the account has prior invoices, the Start Date for a new invoice will be set automatically to the Reading Date of the last invoice.

To enter a new invoice into the Utility Invoice Details Pane, select New Invoice from the Invoices tab on the left side of the screen.

Unused fields in this section are, by default, hidden.  In order to see all Tariff Components whether they have values filled in or not, select the Show All Fields option at the top of the invoice detail.  This selection will take priority on all invoices viewed in the session.

User Defined Components

These are the components defined within the Tariff.  The column to the left contains values entered (or imported) by the user.  The column to the right contains values calculated by the tariff engine.  When you enter a value on the left side, you are overriding the tariff engine calculation.

By default, only entries with user defined data will show on the Details Pane for each invoice.  Selecting Show All Fields will offer a view of all available tariff fields on this screen.


                                    If you put the cursor over an item in the left column, you will see the text description of the tariff.  Hover over the calculator icon on the right to get the formula for the component.

Final Total

The final total is the current invoiced amount, shown in the very last row at the bottom of the Utility Invoice Details pane.  The left value is the value entered and the right value is produced by the tariff engine.  Comparison of the two shows how closely the invoiced amount matches your understanding of the tariff.  Large discrepancies are identified during invoice entry or import, and can be used to initiate follow-up with the utility provider.

Attaching Electronic Invoices

Some utilities send invoices by email as electronic pictures, and many facility owners scan their invoices for archiving.  ManagingEnergy can upload and store electronic copies of paper invoices alongside the invoice records.  In the tabular invoices pane, click on the upload icon in the Invoice Scan column.  A  document icon will appear beside the upload icon once the scan has been uploaded.


                                    You can attach one document,  of any file format, against a single invoice.  It is also possible to store any number of special notices at the account level.


Show All Fields

The Show All Fields selection will show all fields in the tariff, whether they have been filled in during the creation process or not.  By default this is set to hide unused fields.  Once it has been selected, it will show all fields until you manually uncheck the box.

S2_Invoice_Key_Entry         ©2014 Managing Energy Inc.