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Weather-Normalized Reporting

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  rev. 2015-04-17        

Weather-Normalized reports use system-generated consumption models to allow energy use comparisons that are not possible using traditional energy accounting.  It is used to answer questions like:

How does FY2014 compare with FY2013 for my building(s)?
How do my buildings, which are in different geographic regions, compare against one another in CY2014?

The report is not restricted to the default baseline reference period.

The weather-normalization logic applies a single standard weather set to the all of the meters in the report, using the system-generated models for the meters over the report period.  The standard weather set is the weather experienced at a pre-defined weather station over a specific one-year time period.

For each meter, the consumption performance is captured in the models.  Applying the standard weather set levels the effect of weather over time and across geography.


                                                                 Calendar Year (CY) reports use CY models and Fiscal Year (FY) reports use fiscal year models.  That means that data points are weather-normalized slightly differently so weather-normalized values for the same month will be different between the two types.  Weather-Normalized reports are used for comparisons between facilities and from one year to the next.





S1_Weather-Normalized_Reporting         ©2015 Managing Energy Inc.