The Year to Year Comparison - Cost report offers a bar graph representing the total amount spent on utilities at a Facility every year for the range selected. A summary of the totals is also presented.
The default date range is all data. Custom dates can be selected manually, or a Fiscal or Calendar year can be selected using the drop down menu in the setup screen, with the report data running until the end of the last month of the Fiscal year.
If the Starting and End Year fields are left blank, all available data for the facility will be used, with the report data running until the end of the current month.
% Complete indicates how complete the invoice data is for the reported period in terms of the number of invoiced reading days.
Daily Cost offers a comparison between years, especially if some data is missing. Daily cost is calculated by Total Cost divided by the number of invoiced days in the period.
Invoice Totals are prorated by month, based on the number of reading days in the invoice period, for more accurate comparison.