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Who Should Read This Manual

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  rev. 2010-08-31        

This guide is intended for building industry professionals, building owners, and their staff and service providers.  The technical capabilities are targeted at team members contributing to energy management programs, including:

managers responsible for managing energy procurement and use, and for overseeing energy conservation efforts
site data collection staff who collect detailed information for energy audits, related to building systems and equipment
data entry staff who transfer the collected data from paper forms to the ManagingEnergy database
CAD operators who convert hand-drawn mechanical schematics to easily readable electronic files
engineers and technologists who identify and assess energy conservation opportunities
engineers who analyze and interpret the data
clerical staff who assemble technical and management reports from the investigation results
building managers and operators who need to tie their work activities to energy consumption and conservation results

For any individual reader, there will be parts that are of interest and other parts that don't apply to them.  Use the hyperlinks and search feature to find the areas that are important to you.


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