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Custom Output and Integration

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  rev. 2011-02-07        

ManagingEnergy supports four distinct ways of delivering results from the system to users, called Output Types.  Managing Energy Inc. (MEI) maintains libraries of standard Outputs for each of the four types, described as follows:

Dashboard – A visual display in the user interface.  Works best for quickly summarizing information with graphs and charts.  Normally has few format options.

Report – The standard output of text, tables, and/or graphics.  Can be produced as pdf, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Excel file formats.  Good for sharing information with others outside of ManagingEnergy.  Typically takes a minute or so for the user to choose options.  Note that the Excel report output maintains the visual layout, so it is not particularly good for follow-on analysis in Excel.  Where further analysis is desired, an Export works better.

Export – Produces an Excel spreadsheet with the data in a structured table.  An export does not contain explanatory text, formatting, or graphics.  It is most useful for further analysis in Excel or other software.

Integration – At a user’s request, ManagingEnergy delivers the output to an external application through an existing Web Service.  For example, an existing spreadsheet is modified to pull current information from ManagingEnergy when an Update button on the spreadsheet is pushed.  An integration typically gives the user the ability to modify the output format when desired.


The ManagingEnergy platform is built to work the way you do.

If you can't find what you need in our standard libraries, MEI and ManagingEnergy Business Partners can create custom Outputs to fit your particular business processes.  Subscribers to the Conservation & Renewal module are provided access to the API (Application Programming Interface) to develop their own Integrations.


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