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Documents Management

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  rev. 2011-03-22        

One of the Work Area tabs, Documents, provides the ability to upload any kind of document for storage in ManagingEnergy. Documents are attached to the current selection in the navigation tree when they are uploaded.

The Documents Tab is a film strip of documents stored with the record.  These are mostly digital photos, but can also be schematic drawings, floor plans, PDF user manuals, Microsoft Word files, spreadsheets, or even video and sound files.  Hover over a picture for the upload date and any comments stored with the document.  Or click on any of them to enlarge or open them in the appropriate application.


The Documents Tab provides document management functionality.  Attached photos, drawings, spreadsheets, or any other kind of document to items in the navigation tree.  Open them with a double click.

The Documents Tab provides document management functionality.  Attached photos, drawings, spreadsheets, or any other kind of document to items in the navigation tree.  Open them with a double click.


Documents For Energy Auditing

An inventory of equipment and systems, even when structured in the ManagingEnergy hierarchical database, is usually not enough to describe the facility to someone who has not been there.  To communicate with others, you will want to store digital copies of photos, system schematics, and floor plans to complete the profile of each facility.  In a normal energy audit, each facility will have dozens of digital media files associated with it.


                                    From the Documents strip you can delete a document, edit the comments, change categorizing tags, or use a filter to narrow the list by name and/or description.  Double click on any document picture to open the document for viewing and/or editing.


Default Image for User Interface

To improve the user experience, choose a default document for each facility by clicking on the small camera icon beside the picture in the list.  The picture will appear beside general information in the Work Area when the facility is selected in the Navigation Tree.

If no default document is selected, the first image document loaded will be automatically set as the default.


                                                            Use the horizontal slider to change the size of pictures in the list.


Documents for Building Operations

What if your roofing consultant could store and update roof condition surveys in the familiar ManagingEnergy navigation system?  How about if your water treatment contractor uploaded a diagnostic report against each heating plant after each service visit?  Maybe you would like to store details of service routines beside equipment records.  All of this is possible, and the information is stored and backed up using the bests available data-processing industry practices.


                                    Picture Size Limit

Picture files are scanned daily and compressed automatically to speed up screen refreshes and to save storage space.   The  compressed picture file size is 125 kb, which provides good resolution for mechanical equipment, including nameplates, even for pictures taken in low light.  For faster file transfers, set your camera for lower resolution or compress pictures before uploading.


S3_Documents_Management         ©2014 Managing Energy Inc.