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Lighting Components and Retrofits

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  rev. 2011-04-27        

Available in Module 2 - Building Operations

Lighting systems account for a large proportion of electrical use, typically around 40% in commercial and institutional buildings.  In addition, lighting conservation projects are often easier to assess and implement than operational changes or mechanical retrofits.  For these reasons, detailed lighting information is an important part of the inventory of energy-consuming systems.

ManagingEnergy provides a library of lighting component information to help users inventory their installations and assess lighting retrofit options.

Fixtures, Lamps, Ballasts

These three screens, available through the Lighting Designs button under the Physical Details tab (Portfolio Context), are very similar.  They provide access to the various fixture, lamp and ballast types currently available in the database.  Properties include, at minimum, an identifying code and a description.  Lamps and ballasts include performance properties such as power consumed, luminous output, and rated life.



Available in Module 3 - Conservation and Renewal

Conservation and Renewal subscribers have access to  further detail used to plan lighting retrofit projects, such as commodity unit costs, supplier information, date of the most recent quote, and time allocation (in minutes) for an electrician to remove or install a unit on a volume project.

To find a component in the library, begin to type the code or some wording you expect to find in the description.  The selection list will narrow the options as your type.  Refer to the Lighting Codes Library for help with the standard coding system. The icon at the top left corner of the screen will stop once the details are pulled from the library. Select Save Lighting Design to complete the design process.


                                                             Users cannot change standard lighting components, but may add new user-specific lighting components which will be accessible only to their subscription.  Create your own lighting library entry quickly by copying a standard entry and editing the copy.

To avoid confusion, we recommend that any new lighting components should conform with the naming convention detailed in the Lighting Codes Library.


Lighting Retrofit Designs

Available in Module 3 - Conservation and Renewal

This feature is available under the Opportunities Tab for reviewing standard lighting retrofit designs, or adding your own user-specific retrofit designs.  A retrofit design consists of a combination of one or more fixtures, lamps, and ballasts.  The performance characteristics of a single unit of the design (energy consumed, light produced, labour required, installed cost) is built up from the details of the components included.

To find a retrofit design in the library, start typing the code or some wording you expect to find in the description.  The selection list will narrow the options as your type.  Refer to the Lighting Codes Library for help with the standard coding system.  If you have selected a single facility in the navigation tree, ManagingEnergy will display the estimated cost of installing one unit of the design based on the lighting labour rate for the facility.  Because labour rates vary from one place to another, the lighting labour rate is entered for each facility individually under the Building and Meters tab, through Edit Facility and then Lighting.

Illumination Levels

Available in Module 3 - Conservation and Renewal

The illumination levels table provides minimum and maximum recommended illumination for a wide variety of tasks and room types, as recommended by IESNA (Illumination Engineering Society of North America).  This list is useful for comparing against actual illumination measured by a lighting survey.


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