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  rev. 2011-02-25        

ManagingEnergy retains emissions factors for calculating airborne emissions (air pollution, including CO2) by utility type.

Non-Electricity Coefficients

ManagingEnergy stores emissions multipliers per unit of consumption for a wide variety of fossil fuels.  These numbers don't change, and are automatically applied for emissions dashboards and reports.

Electricity Coefficients

Electricity is generated by various means (hydraulic, coal, nuclear, wind, natural gas, etc.), each with its own emissions characteristics.  The mix of generating technologies varies by jurisdiction and also from one year to the next, so a kWh consumed in one state or province may produce more emissions at the generating station than a kWh consumed in the next state, or in the same state five years ago.  The factors for calculating emissions for electrical generation, by jurisdiction and by year, are stored in a separate table where they are updated as published data becomes available.


                                                                ManagingEnergy automatically matches electrical consumption with emissions factors against the correct time and place.  Suppose, for example, a report spans two years and the carbon intensity of electricity production declined from the first year to the second year.  The facility carbon footprint will be shown to have decreased during the report time span, even if electrical consumption did not.

There is often a time lag for this information to be published.  When up-to-date data is not yet available, ManagingEnergy uses the most recent emissions factors for the jurisdiction.


                                    Where Does ManagingEnergy Get Electricity Coefficients?

For Canada:  Environment Canada publication National Inventory Report: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada. This publication lists the emissions produced for every kWh electricity consumed by province and year within Annex 9.6 GHG Emission Intensities.

For United States:  U.S. EPA Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database  (eGRID) published by state.


BG_Emissions         ©2014 Managing Energy Inc.