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Security Domains

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  rev. 2010-09-14        

A Role is comprised of a list of five possible permissions applied against the various ManagingEnergy Security Domains.  The five  permission levels, in order of increasing capability, are:


The ManagingEnergy Security Domains are:

Security Domain



All objects in the system.  Includes ability to create and delete databases, portfolios.  Includes all security domains and sub-domains.

Data Sources

The SQL Server database that holds all of the subscriber's information.  Without some kind of access to the Data Source, a user can't do anything.

Utility Providers

Utility companies which send regular Utility Invoices.  Records include the company name and contact details, and a list of the Utility Tariffs associated with the provider.


Data entry records containing physical building details.  This security domain confers the ability to use the associated Physical Details forms.


The primary grouping of facilities.  Most subscribers will deal with a single Portfolio.

Facility Groups

Custom groups of facilities, used for navigation, dashboards, reports, and exports.


Buildings.  From the database standpoint, the most basic container for holding the subscriber's information.


Details of Utility Meters.  Includes meter name, meter type (interval or non-interval), utility type, and the account it is attached to (if any).  A Utility Meter is not the same thing as a Utility Account.

Baseline Models

Mathematical representations of utility baselines, used for performance and comparison dashboards, reports, and exports.


Utility Accounts.  Includes account number, a unique identifying name, and the associated utility provider and tariff.

Utility Invoices

Invoices received from Utility Providers (also called Utility Bills).  Invoice records contain at least a start date, reading date, and a billed total.  They may also contain one or more meter readings.  Depending on the complexity of the associated Utility Tariff, they can also contain a variety of intermediate calculations, unit costs, dates, notes, and flags.


Conservation Opportunities, often referred to as ECM's or Energy Conservation Measures.


Allow developer-level users to create and/or delete program extensions designed to add custom functionality.


ManagingEnergy system users.


Definition of Roles (assignment of Permissions against Security Domains).

Role Memberships

Assignment of Roles to Users.

UI Content

Custom User Interface content.  On-screen messages that administrators can use to communicate with the user base.  There are several places in the user interface where custom UI content can be added.

adm_Security_Domains         ©2014 Managing Energy Inc.