Every industry faces its own unique issues related to its traditional business practices, which may include risk factors like:
• | Occupational health and safety risk |
• | Political and community risks around major capital projects |
Sustainability is a complex and over-arching concern that intersects each of these. It adds a management process and compliance burden, but also a chance to place your organization at the head of the pack, ready for the future.
Those who embrace sustainability; who take a firm grasp on how non-financial issues affect the bottom line; will be the least exposed to tightening regulations and the most ready to take advantage of strategic value-creation opportunities.
Getting Help
For most corporate leaders and managers, this is all new. Accounting and consulting firms are establishing expert advisory services to help their clients navigate this new world. Managing Energy Inc. is forging links with these firms, and delivering powerful information tools for managing corporate sustainability.
Our goal is to deliver systems that
• | Are complete and effective at meeting client needs. |
• | Integrate easily with other systems and services. |
• | Adapt quickly to regulatory and market changes. |
Email us to discuss integrating ManagingEnergy into your sustainability processes.
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