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Field Types

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  rev. 19/10/2010        

The following is the list of field types currently supported by the ManagingEnergy Form system.


<field id="FieldID" name="TextBox" type="TextBox"></field>

The TextBox is a single line text entry field.


<field id="FieldID" name="TextArea" type="TextArea"></field>

The TextArea is a multi-line text entry field.


<field id="FieldID" name="CheckBox" type="CheckBox"></field>

The CheckBox is a field which allows for a Boolean (True/False or Yes/No) value.


<field id="FieldID" name="DropDown" type="DropDown">


   <item>Item 1</item>

   <item>Item 2</item>

   <item>Item 3</item>



The DropDown is a field which allows the user to select one value from a list.



<field id="FieldID" name="ComboBox" type="ComboBox">


   <item>Item 1</item>

   <item>Item 2</item>

   <item>Item 3</item>



The ComboBox is a field which is similar to a DropDown but allows the user to provide their own custom value.



<field id="FieldID" name="Date" type="Date"></field>

The Date field provides the user with a calendar which can be used to quickly select a specific date.


xxx_Field_Types         ©2011 Managing Energy Inc.