Listed here are all the tables in the Client database and a brief description of its purpose.
Table Name |
Description |
DB_Version |
Contains the latest version code applied to the database |
tblAltIdentifiers |
Alternate identifiers available to each facility. |
tblAltIdentifiersApplied |
A listing of identifiers and facilities and values. |
tblCommonItems |
A table containing common items that are available through the application. |
tblCommonItemTypes |
The diffeent types of common items. |
tblDepartmentMembers |
A listing of facilities and the groups they belong to. |
tblDepartments |
The facility groups table. |
tblDesignIlluminationLevels |
Lighting levels for typical work areas. |
tblEmCoeff |
Emissions coefficients for non-electrical utilities. |
tblEmElecCoeff |
Emissions coefficients for electricity. Contains entries for various provinces in Canada. |
tblFacility |
Facility information |
tblFacilityControls |
Facility controls information |
tblFacilityDetails |
Facility specifics such as address, floor area, etc. |
tblFacilityEnergy |
Energy related information for the facility |
tblFacilityLtg |
Lighting information for the facility. |
tblFacilityMedia |
All media that has been aquired for the facility. |
tblFacilityOppMediaLinks |
Opportunities linked to media |
tblFacilitySiteVisits |
Site visit log |
tblFacilityTypeInfo |
Facility categories and characteristics |
tblLtgBallasts |
Lighting ballasts |
tblLtgFixtures |
Lighting fixtures |
tblLtgLamps |
Lighting lamps |
tblLtgRetrofitList |
The list of system lighting retrofits available for application onto survey records. |
tblLtgRetrofits |
The list of lighting retrofits applied to the survey data |
tblLtgSurvey |
The lighting survey information collected from a site visit to a facility |
tblLtgZones |
The list of lighting zones defined for a building |
tblManufacturer |
Table listing diffent manufacturers. These are available via pick lists in the application when entering HVAC equipment information. |
tblManufacturerType |
The listing of different manufacturer types. |
tblOppCategories |
All the opportunity categories that can be assigned to an opportunity |
tblOppCategoriesAssigned |
tblOppImpact |
The impacts of an opportunity on a single utility meter component. |
tblOppor |
Opportunity information |
tblOppStandardList |
The list of standard opportunities that the user can pick from when defining their own oppportunity. |
tblPeople |
People that are playing a role in the portfolio |
tblPlantCategory |
tblProject |
The table containing the global portfolio information. |
tblProvinces |
A list of provinces |
tblScenarios |
Scenarios defined for the portfolio |
tblScenariosApplied |
Scenario applied to an opportunity |
tblStatus |
Facility status information (in regards to an energy audit) |
tblStatusDescription |
Description of the status fields |
tblTECH_A |
Heating plant |
tblTECH_A1 |
Pumps |
tblTECH_A2 |
Boilers |
tblTECH_A3 |
Heating loops |
tblTECH_B |
Domestic hot water |
tblTECH_B1 |
Domestic hot water tank |
tblTECH_C |
Furnace |
tblTECH_D |
Baseboard and small heaters |
tblTECH_E |
Heat pumps |
tblTECH_E1 |
Heat pumps |
tblTECH_F |
Chilled water plant |
tblTECH_F1 |
Chillers |
tblTECH_F2 |
Chillers |
tblTECH_F3 |
Cooling towers |
tblTECH_G |
Air handling unit |
tblTECH_H |
Air handling unit - multi-zone |
tblTECH_I |
Rooftop AHU |
tblTECH_J |
Exhaust fans |
tblTECH_L |
Arena |
tblTECH_L1 |
Arena |
tblTECH_M |
Swimming pool |
tblTECH_M1 |
Swimming pool |
tblTECH_N |
Environmental conditioning units |
tblTECH_O |
Water |
A listing of HVAC equipment available |
Building envelope |
Building envelope |
Water fixtures |
Building envelope |
Facility zones |
tblTECH_Z |
Strange or unique equipment |
tblUtAdjustmentDetails |
Details of the adjustment as it relates to a meter component. |
tblUtAdjustments |
Baseline adjustments |
tblUtImport_Profile |
Import profile info |
tblUtImport_ProfileDetails |
Import Profile field matching details |
tblUtMeterBaseModel |
Baseline model for a meter component |
tblUtMeterBillAmounts |
Utility bill amounts for each utility component in the meter |
tblUtMeterBillAmounts_BackupData |
backup data |
tblUtMeterBills |
Bills associated with utility meters |
tblUtMeterComponents |
Utility meter components |
tblUtMeters |
Utility meters |
tblUtProviderComponentList |
Utility provider component listing |
tblUtProviders |
Utility providers |
tblUtType |
Utility types |
tblUtUnit |
Utility type units |
tblUtUnit_EnergyConversion |
Utility type units conversion factors |
tblUtVariables |
Independent variables |
tblUtVariableValues |
Intervalled values associated with the independent variables |
tblWeb_RoleAccess |
WebReports roles report access |
tblWeb_Roles |
WebReports roles |
tblWeb_UserFacilityAccess |
WebReports users facility access |
tblWeb_Users |
WebReports users |