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SoftTree/OCX 4.5 Tree Control

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  rev. 19/10/2010        

The SftTree / Ocx control is a treeview control that the main facility navigation panel is loaded into.  This control is fairly easy to use but can be a bit tricky when adding items.

A few notes about this product:

In the ManagingEnergy implementation items are loaded dynamically as users wish to open the child items.
It uses the StdPicture object to load icons into it for items in the list.  This object is loaded using the LoadPicture function.
If you are attempting to develop on a machine that does not have a license for this product you will get an error message and may not be able to save your changes.

Visit the authors website at

SoftTreeOCX_4.5_Tree_Control         ©2011 Managing Energy Inc.