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Image Resize Service

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  rev. 02/11/2008        

The Image Resize Service is a Windows service responsible for ensuring proper sizing of Images stored in a file system.


The directories tab allows the user to select a list of directories to be managed by the Image Resize Service. When it is time to process, the Image Resize Service will search each of the directories listed as well as their subdirectories for images to process.


Adding Directories

Click the Add Directory button to display the directory selection dialog.

Enter the full path to the directory where the images are stored and click OK. Repeat this process for each directory you would like the Image Resize Service to manage.


Removing Directories

To remove a directory select it from the list of directories then click the Remove Directory button. A dialog will be shown to confirm your intent to remove the selected item. Click Yes to remove the directory.



The schedule specifies when the Image Resize Service will process images. Outside of scheduled times the image resize service will remain inactive.


Place a check mark beside each of the days you would like the Image Resize Service to run. For example placing a check mark beside Friday and Saturday limits the Image Resize Service to processing images on only those days.


The run drop down list configures the frequency with which the Image Resize Service will process images for the selected day.

Options Include:

Every 1 Hour
Every 2 Hours
Every 4 Hours
Every 8 Hours
Once a day


The time drop down list is only available when the Image Resize Service is set to run 'Once a day'. When available it can be used to specify the time of day to run. For example it may be appropriate to process images only during non-business hours.


Image Formats

The Image Formats tab provides the option to select which image formats the Image Resize Service should process. For example if you would like the Image Resize Service to process only .jpg and .bmp files, place a check mark beside each respectively.


Image Size

The Image Size tab allows you to select the criteria by which the Image Resize Service processes images.


File Size

The file size specifies the lower file size limit above which images will qualify for processing. Hence any image file which is larger then the file size specified will be processed.

Image Scaling

The image scaling settings determine how images will be scaled. For instance setting the 800 and 600 for your maximum width and height respectively, will result in the scaling of processed images such that they maintain their aspect ratio but fit within a 800 x 600 area.


Image_Resizer_Service_2         ©2011 Managing Energy Inc.